Prof. Nereo Bresolin

Actual Letter

Dear “Friends of Ferrari” and Dear Mr. Corona,

As Director of the Centro -‘Dino Ferrari’ of the University of Milan. I want to express my personal gratitude and the gratitude of all my co-workers for your effort to support our scientific activity during your Canadian celebration of the fabulous Ferrari Team. The Centro Dino Ferrari- was founded more than 20 years ago to realize a strong wish of Eng. Enzo Ferrari and my predecessor, Prof Guglielmo Scarlato.

For years we have been publishing in the best scientific journals, including the prestigious “Science,”, showing that the name of the Ferrari family was brought to excellence not only by the racing cars, but also by the great results achieved in the scientific field. Thanks to your support, more research projects are going to be realized. the stem cell therapy on dystrophic patients being on top of the list. Your generosity will help realize the expectations from science of many suffering people.

Our patients will be informed that Mr Corona, President of the “Friends of Ferrari’. is coming to visit our Centre. luring his visit. Mr Corona will be also a guest in Maranello to see the excellence of the Ferrari cars.

I promise I will come and visit the Ferrari Friends in Toronto in the near future and I apologize for not being able to accept your kind invitation to

participate to the Gain Luncheon on October 19′”.

Thank you again on behalf of all of us.


Prof. Nereo Bresolin,
Director of Centro “Dino Ferrari”
Dpt. of Neurological Sciences

University of Milan